Buddy Miller
- Cruel Moon [HighTone, 1999]

- Universal United House of Prayer [New West, 2004]
- Cayamo Sessions at Sea [New West, 2016] A-
See Also:
Consumer Guide Reviews:
Cruel Moon [HighTone, 1999] 
Universal United House of Prayer [New West, 2004]
See: It Takes a Worried Man.
Cayamo Sessions at Sea [New West, 2016]
Seems too easy: A-list guitarist who's also a discreetly OK singer duets selected country classics on some music cruise thing. But not one song is diminished or dull, and most of the honored guests put out. Richard Thompson kills Hank Williams's forlorn "Wedding Bells," which is his kind of song, and Elizabeth Cook sells Carl Smith's subclassic "If Teardrops Were Pennies," which is how she was raised. The always gutsy Lee Ann Womack putting her all into "After the Fire Is Gone"? Sure thing. The often dull Shawn Colvin crooning "Wild Horses"? Lucinda, work on your understatement. A-