The Pentangle
- Cruel Sister [Reprise, 1970] C+
Consumer Guide Reviews:
Cruel Sister [Reprise, 1970]
They still declare fealty to Transatlantic Records, but this is a retreat into pure--or impure, ask a folklorist--traditional English balladry. Gone is the jazz feeling Danny Thompson and Terry Cox can insinuate so cunningly, not to mention the American songs, and I prefer "In-a-Gadda-Da-Vida" to the eighteen-minute "Jack Orion," about a noble fiddler betrayed by his serving lad. Don't they realize that every verse of "Cruel Sister" used to end "Fa la la la la la la la la la" because in the olde days people had nothing else to do at night? C+
Further Notes:
Everything Rocks and Nothing Ever Dies [1990s]