SWAMP DOGG Gonzo soul legend addresses the major issues of our time, with vigor Not only does minor soul producer turned pioneering indie artist Jerry Williams swear Resurrection is the "greatest album ever produced on Swamp Dogg," he backs this assurance with a money-back guarantee. Blessed with a penetrating high baritone and an unsatisfied mind, Swamp Dogg has been promising the impossible since 1970's legendary Total Destruction to Your Mind. But for sure this is the sometime L.A. cab driver's most inspired album since 1991's Surfin' in Harlem. One reason is Beverly Green, Ph.D., whom he wed after the death of his beloved wife Yvonne -- cf. "Today I Got Married." Even bigger is our national political disaster -- cf. not just "They Crowned an Idiot King" but such self-explanatory titles as "In Time of War Who Wins" and "America Is Bleeding." The latter, lest you get too comfy, opposes abortion and wants God in the Pledge of Allegiance. Swamp Dogg is very indie. Rolling Stone, June 14, 2007 |