TAB THE BAND Sons of Aerosmith guitarist make top-level Aerosmith knockoffs Joe Perry's boys sure love their dad. At a moment when we're being inundated by rock progeny, some deserving and most not, only Jason Bonham recalls ancestral glories the way Tab do Aerosmith. Resort to early Stones comparisons if you like--that's what everyone did with Joe's band back before guitarist Tony and bassist-vocalist Adrian were there to come home to. So live with it--there are many worse things in music than scaled-down arena rock. Adrian's stage drawl is a little regressive, and Reverend Run should tell them about jimmy hats--"as long as you and I don't make a child" plus "the rabbit done died" plus the album title bodes ill for second-generation groupies. But this band rawks without reverence or irony; every one of its sexist songs fresh and enthusiastic. Blender, Mar. 2008 |