Gogol Bordello Vs. Tamir Muskat
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Consumer Guide Reviews:
J.U.F [Stinky, 2004]
Jewish-Ukrainishe Freundschaft," it stands for; "Afterparty on the Frontline," it's subtitled. As Gogol Bordello mastermind Eugene Hutz asks, "Where the fuck is for example Gypsy-disco-punk for the after party. Where is Arabic-dub-sextura and where the fuck is the soundtrack for a Balkan train robbery." The answer is self-evident: Hutz sings, so does Jerusalem-based Indian classical music devotee Victoria Hanna, Gogol's Oren Kaplan is on guitar, not to be confused with ex-Gogol saxophonist Ori Kaplan, and driving driving driving is Big Lazy drummer Tamir Muskat. Hutz furnishes conceptual bravado, Muskat renders Hutz's songwriting irrelevant, and Ori keeps butting in. The intensity recalls the Bulgarian wedding sax of Yuri Yunakov, only the multiculturalism plus Hutz's unrelenting sense of humor means it never gets samey. World-rock not en espaņol--in the universal language, English. A-