Grinder's Switch Featuring Garland Jeffreys
- Grinder's Switch Featuring Garland Jeffreys [Vanguard, 1970] B
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Consumer Guide Reviews:
Grinder's Switch Featuring Garland Jeffreys [Vanguard, 1970]
When the music's density and country-soul accent surround an obscurantist lyric like "Seven Sleepers' Den" you'd swear you were listening to the Band. But at times Jeffreys also achieves uncanny resemblances to M. Jagger and B. Dylan, which must be how he got to write "They Call Me Fortune and Fame." And he says more with good-time rockers like "Sister Divine" and "Won't Ya Come Back Home" than with "Steven Sleepers' Den" or "An Imaginary Invalid." Molière, eh? B