- Paperdoll EP [NG/Artemis EP, 2000] *
- Spit [Artemis, 2000] C+
- Oracle [Artemis, 2001] *
Consumer Guide Reviews:
Paperdoll EP [NG/Artemis EP, 2000]
Learning to yowl, live ("Spit," "Suck"). *
Spit [Artemis, 2000]
Proof that Korn fans aren't sexist--they were just waiting for four cute teenage girls to come out bellowing "Get Off (You Can Eat a Dick)." Waiting so eagerly, in fact, that whether the girls bellowed loud enough was beside the point. C+
Oracle [Artemis, 2001]
when they are good they are horrid ("Run Like Hell," "What I Always Wanted") *