- This Is Teen-C Power! [Grand Royal, 1997] B+
- The New Transistor Heroes [Grand Royal, 1997] A-
- Intendo [Grand Royal, 1998] **
- Social Dancing [Grand Royal, 1999] **
- Return to Central [SpinArt, 2001]
Consumer Guide Reviews:
This Is Teen-C Power! [Grand Royal, 1997]
Teensy power, they mean--six teensy songs on a teensy 15-minute CD. But if lines like "We all want the system to fall" seem wishful, "Kill Yr Boyfriend" and "This Is Fake D.I.Y." are minusculely magnificent. In a world full of rote bands who thought riot grrrl would be easy, these boys-and-girl perpetuate the illusion. B+
The New Transistor Heroes [Grand Royal, 1997]
I'd take their rhetoric more seriously if it weren't so embedded in their aesthetic. The main function of their antibiz antisexism is clearly to drive grownups nuts, just like their high voices and their chanted choruses and their keyby guitars and their jingly catchiness, one song after another after another 18 strong until you feel like you can't stand to recognize another tune. Only you can; in the right frame of mind, in fact, you get off on it. Cheek, the English call such annoying charm. What the Scots call it is for Bis to know and us to find out. A-
Intendo [Grand Royal, 1998]
Cute, and not just the way demos are cute ("Girl Star," "Statement of Intent"). **
Social Dancing [Grand Royal, 1999]
From a punk band on top of the world to a disco band who want to stay there ("I'm a Slut," "Making People Normal"). **
Return to Central [SpinArt, 2001]